Burgers and Boogie

Burgers and Boogie

Live Music at the Halt We’ve had such a great weekend here at the Salehurst Halt with not just one special birthday, but two. A beautiful Lady chose the Halt to host her 40th birthday bash, and the most elegant, wonderful Lady shared her 80th with us....
Salsa In Salehurst

Salsa In Salehurst

Dinner and Dance, South American Style On Friday, 30th August, come join us at the Halt and watch a maestro demonstrate some HOT Salsa moves, before showing us how to move our hips in time with the beat…. Our Salsa class will be on the terrace; our dancer tutor...
Great English Pub

Great English Pub

What makes a great English pub? In an attempt to answer this we did a little online research and came across a famous essay written by George Orwell in 1946. George wrote about his favourite English pub, The Moon Under The Water, listing all of the reasons why this...
Thinking of a Party?

Thinking of a Party?

Thinking of having a party? Why not hire The Salehurst Halt? If you’re thinking about having a party but you’re short on space…. If you’re thinking about having a party but you’re short on glassesĀ ….If you’re thinking about...
Campsite To Salehurst

Campsite To Salehurst

How to get from Park Farm Caravan & Campsite to the Salehurst Halt. We get a lot of customers who are staying at Park Farm Campsite, near Bodiam, over the summer months, and quite a few come and visit us each time they are on holiday here. There are others,...