Almost There….

Almost There….

January is almost over…. Even if January isn’t factually the longest month in the year, it can feel like it, especially for those of you who made New Year’s resolutions. How is your dry January going? Or your healthy eating plan? Fitness regime?...
January Quiz

January Quiz

January is for a) Sobriety, b) Dieting, c) Quizzing…. Join us at the Salehurst Halt for the first Halt Quiz of the year! Our quiz nights are SO popular, we’re having another one. The Salehurst Quiz nights sell out in record time – honestly, as soon...
Indian Grill Nights

Indian Grill Nights

Bye Bye Pizza …..Hello Indian Grill Nights It is always with a slightly heavy heart that we cease doing pizza night on a Friday. What better way to unwind on a summer’s evening at the end of a hard week than with home made, wood fired pizzas, good company...
National Burger Day

National Burger Day

Celebrate National Burger Day at the Salehurst Halt August 22nd marks National Burger Day 2024 (not to be confused with National Hamburger Day, which is the equivalent celebration, but in the USA and happened back in May). Our burgers at the Salehurst Halt are locally...
Local Music

Local Music

What a fantastic night we had! If you joined us Saturday night for our latest Live Music party, our Burgers ‘N Boogie event, firstly – THANK YOU! We had such a great evening. The music was en pointe, Harvey’s burgers were incredible, and everyone had...
Burgers and Boogie

Burgers and Boogie

Live Music at the Halt We’ve had such a great weekend here at the Salehurst Halt with not just one special birthday, but two. A beautiful Lady chose the Halt to host her 40th birthday bash, and the most elegant, wonderful Lady shared her 80th with us....