Easter at The Halt

Easter at The Halt

We are open over the Easter weekend – yes, all the Easter weekend, including Easter Monday. And, it being a ‘holiday’ we are, quite naturally, in the party spirit. Not only do we have out last Fifth Off Friday on the 29th, we also have live music...
We Are Hiring (2024)

We Are Hiring (2024)

“The Salehurst Halt is looking to expand their team who work behind the bar.” Working at the Halt is very rewarding – all who work here get along very well, and whether front of house or behind the scenes, we all work as a team. We are looking to...
All Hail Spring

All Hail Spring

Spring in the Salehurst Halt Garden The spring flowers are beginning to appear everywhere you look; winter is retreating and we can all look forward to warmer days as the evenings get lighter and the sun appears earlier. We are lucky enough to have a wonderful garden...
Fifth Off Friday

Fifth Off Friday

Fancy a 20% Discount*? February may have morphed in March but 5th Off Friday Lives on!  Due to the success of FIFTH OFF FRIDAY we’re extending this FABULOUS offer into March. If you follow us on Facebook, or you have popped in to see us on a Friday between...
Do I Need To Book?

Do I Need To Book?

Do I need to book at table at the Salehurst Halt? Salehurst is a little village located just off the major route between London and Hastings, the A21. There are several houses, a church, and a pub. Mentioned in the Doomsday Book, Salehurst hasn’t grown hugely...