Jimi & The Jams

Jimi & The Jams

Live music at the Salehurst Halt Live music is back at the Salehurst Halt. On Saturday 25th May we are having a party here at the Halt. It’s (almost) summer, the sun is (might be) shining, our terrace is busy, and our garden is blooming. What could make it even...
Marathon Update

Marathon Update

New Year Charity Update Several week’s after seeing in the New Year in style at the Salehurst Halt, we thought you may like to know how they guys we are sponsoring, and who you helped by buying your New Year’s Eve tickets, are getting on. Dom and Matt are...
Function Room

Function Room

Did you know that the Salehurst Halt has a (not so) secret upstairs room? If you are an avid reader of our blogs – firstly, thank you very much. Secondly, you will have read our post Art At The Halt and therefore know we have a great space above the bar. This...
All The Accolades

All The Accolades

Five Star Rating Our regular customers love to chat with us about many things, including current affairs. Most of the stories dominating the headlines are usually doom and gloom, so it is with our upmost pleasure that we can share some really great news with you about...
Halt The Press!

Halt The Press!

Welcome to our new blog. People come to the Salehurst Halt for our great choice of drinks, our wonderful food, and our friendly staff. We love having you visit and welcome the opportunity to stop and have a chat given the chance. Although sometimes we are victims of...